Response While this portion of this site is fairly neutral (with the exception of calling evolution-believing scientists "real scientists" -- as if Creation scientists are not real scientists), I feel that the case for a Creator is overwhelmingly affirmative and on very firm scientific ground (if for no other reason than that the "odds" against that first self-replicating cell getting itself going are (quite literally) ASTRONOMICAL (as is briefly illustrated below, and in more detail via the links). I have placed this in the Discussion section because the editors of this site do not want it to be Prominently displayed (as front page news). Why this is I am not sure. The term abiogenesis refers to the process by which the first self-replicating organisms (or "entities") appeared on a lifeless Earth. It means simply getting life from non-life -- something that has never before been observed to take place. In fact, from a purely objective scientific perspective, we note that Stanley Miller's ( experiments have not produced any more than 13 of the 20 ( basic (amino acid) building blocks of protein molecules. To put this in perspective, lets assume that a modern computer running Windows XP, with a Monitor and Printer, and plugged into a source of electricity is comparable to the most basic self-replicating bacterium. Let's also assume that the Computer system consists of 20 basic materials (i.e. gold, silver, aluminum, tin, lead, silicon, plastic, etc...). Then what Miller found is equivalent to finding 13 of the 20 basic building blocks that make up a Computer. But even if we had all 20, we still need to order them ALL into the correct pieces (i.e. wire, solder, plastic frame, srews, circuit boards, Integrated Circuits, fan, Power Supply, smooth glass, etc..) --- something that simply WILL NOT happen all by itself. This is one of the many reasons why more and more people today are turning to Creationism, as the evidence clearly indicates that God (or an outside Intelligent Influence) must have intervened in the Creation/Origin of Life on this Planet. And while some people are still hopefull that (at some time in the future) it could be demonstrated that natural chemical processes could explain the origins of life. Such notions are very unlikely to occur -- and are (at least so far) out of the realm of empirical (i.e. observable) science. For example, thus far, not even a single basic homochiralic protein molecule has ever been observed to form naturally, while the most basic ( (parasitic) self-replicating bacterium consists of 40,000 protein molecules (of 600 different types), along with DNA, RNA, and the associated machinery (i.e. ribosomes, cell membrane, etc.) to enable protein synthesis and Cell Division. This is because (as far as we know) complex creatures, such as a (very) "basic" self-replicating bacteria, are simply TOO COMPLEX to have come about by time and chance -- NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE WANT IT TO BE SO. See the Links below for more details.
One: Creation "scientists" are sworn never to reach any conclusion which might contradict a particular a priori conclusion; this is why it is both appropriate and accurate to distinguish between "Creation scientists" and "real scientists".
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